Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How did this happen?

Do you ever feel like you are just floating through? Honestly I don't know how I ended up like this. By this I mean, you know, an adult doing adult things. How did this happen? When did laundry become interesting? When did I get to be in charge of little people? When did I have to be mature and responsible and planning things? Here's the thing. I think I am failing at adult. I haven't made any significant things yet. I have to yet achieve goals that I planned on as a child. Honestly I remember being a child. I thought that I was a child, but now I know that I am an adult but what is being an adult? I will be an adult for the rest of my life, a very long time, and it is getting monotonous. I do the same things over and over and they are not what you would call very interesting. Laundry anyone?Stagnation is occurring.

I do all the things that other adults do. I surf the internet, watch tv, read but it seems so . . .stupid, wasted, repeated. Even music is the same thing over and over. Nothing is new under the sun. Laundry anyone? What should I make for supper?Maybe there are too many choices. Maybe I am overwhelmed by all I can do. I think the most terrible thing you can say to a child is "You are smart. You can do anything". Why? This is most often told to teenagers before they finish high school and think about their futures. This is also a time where a teen thinks that picking the wrong belt to wear with an outfit will destroy her life,and where she also thinks that when she walks into a room everybody notices that there is a huge zit on her chin. And we make this person choose what they will be doing for the rest of his life! Wow! I couldn't imagine being 25 when I was 17. How could I decide what I wanted to do? What had I seen to choose from? You know I still do not know what those people do in those tall office buildings, but I want to. Do you think it is interesting?

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