Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

It was New Year for Robin at 9:00 this morning and I did try to phone. Honest I did but someone had already phoned and I needed to leave for church so Robin did not ge my 12:00 phone call. Too bad for her. It is the end of the Christmas season and things are winding down. We had Christmas at Valerie's house this year. The first Waddell family Christmas together. Everyone had a really good time and no one died. I think we even tried to enjoy our time with each other. After Christmas we went home to enjoy other people's company. Again a good time was had by all. Melissa and I planned on going swimming on Thursday but she went and ruined the plans. We welcome little Jo (Josiah Stanley) as our interruption, I guess. He is a good looking child (he is related after all) and a pain in the butt already. Ask Melissa how much trouble he has already caused and he is only a few days old. I will be back in clinicals this week and hopefully time will fly. I only have until Feb 9th. Hee, hee! We are more than excited.
I included a picture of Xavier, Niles and the cousins at Christmas. I tried to get a whole family picture but I couldn't do it from Chris' computer and I don't have a copy at home.

1 comment:

  1. I want to giggle too. Hee hee hee. That was fun. I'm excited for you. You're almost done school. You'll be a nurse soon. Are you going to get a new house?
